Gang Saitama

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Keluarga Besar Saitama
*keluarga sejahtera lahir-bathin selama perjalanan haha..* Kelompok Saitama sendiri terinspirasi dari tokoh di komik Sinchan; Ogin anggota Gang Saitama*, karena beberapa orang memakai masker selama perjalanan (naon si?).

*Saitama Crimson Scorpions

A gang of high school girls who run into Shin-chan often, with dire consequences. Supposedly their gang rivals other girl gangs. Shin-chan himself believes them to be an aspiring group of comediennes.
"Fish-eyed" Ogin (魚の目 お銀 Uo-no-me Ogin?)
Member of the clique who always wears a mask with an "X" on it, thus earning her nickname "Fish-eyed Ogin" (the X resembles the eye of a dead fish). She is taciturn. Despite her somewhat fearsome demeanor, she possesses a kind side, shown in an episode where she helps out her sick mother. Her face was revealed when Himawari playfully took off her mask.

4 komentar:

Unknown said...

kapan reuni saitama?

Koim said...


sindhu said...

2 bln lg yuk. Setelah awak KaPe. Haha...

Anonymous said...

